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Lindy Hop discovery workshopin Tienen with Elise & Didier

Do you love jazz and swing? Enjoy dancing and want to discover something new?


Join our two-hour Lindy Hop workshop! You'll learn the basics as well as some fun, quirky moves. Don't miss this chance to try something new and have a great time on the dance floor!


After this workshop, you can join our weekly classes in Tienen that started in September. Register via this link

Apollo Swing Elise


05 Oct
Lindy Hop beginner


For 2h workshop





Lindy Hop beginner

For absolute beginners. Discover lindy hop for the first time. No previous experience is required.
We'll start with the basics and move through the essential steps to get you confident enough to dance socially. 

About theTeachers

Apollo Swing Elise

Elise Moureau

Since 2016 Elise has been running one arm of Apollo and loves organising almost as much as dancing! Passionate about developing her skills across a wide range of swing dances including solo jazz, Charleston and Balboa, as a teacher Elise wants to...
Apollo Swing Didier

Didier Loiseau

He introduced Lindy Hop in Belgium together with Geneviève, resulting in the creation of Apollo Swing in 1996. For over twenty years, Didier has been spreading his cheery disposition and sharing his talent in Belgium; both in Lindy Hop classes, and...

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How to get there

Grand Slam
Tennisstraat 3
3300 Tienen
50.8186239, 4.9404964

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